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Over the years, GLAAD has expended their resources to provide change for LGBTQ+ members and allies. This movement was established by a group of reporters after an article talked down on HIV/AIDS. In 2007, the organization launched a new project, Straight for Equality to help more allies become engaged in the LGBT movement in the workplace, healthcare, and now in faith communities.

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Based in the United States, PFLAG unites LGBT people with parents, families, and allies to gain full civil and legal equality for LGBT people. Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the original ally organization, started by Jeanne Manford, mother of the Ally movement. There are also some groups that unite the LGBT community to work together with allies. A gay–straight alliance (also known as a gender-sexuality alliance) is a student-run club that brings together LGBT and straight students to create a platform for activism to fight homophobia and transphobia. Most LGBT organizations have straight or cisgender members involved others actively encourage straight and cisgender participation. Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays march at an Australian Pride parade in 2011.

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